Sunday, April 15, 2012

on paper

If you know me, you know that I love just about anything that relates to paper.

A good book.
A pretty set of notecards.
A nice pen to write with.
A colorful journal.

Perhaps it all started with my dad being in office supply sales. In 2nd grade my Pentel marker set and Lisa Frank pocket folders were the envy of every other girl in the class (or at least I like to think so).

With as many books as I go through, I often check them out from the library, or if I purchase them and they aren't on my list of favorites, I bring them to the secondhand bookstore for credit. However, if it's a "keeper," I add it to my bookshelf. I've been wanting to buy myself a personalized book stamp for my collection, so I recently ordered  a retro-looking one that I absolutely adore. You can find the seller here.

In addition to the book stamp, I bought a funky return address stamp for any bills and notes that get sent via snail mail (and since all the address labels sent to me from non-profits are always lame-looking). You can find this one here.
(and yes, as you can see, I'm a tad bit paranoid-- just in case I have a virtual stalker, I'm blurring out my address!)

For Christmas, my stepmom created these original notepads for several of us in the family-- mine fits me to a tee! At first, I didn't even want to write on them because they're so clever. (Found here.)

My mom recently returned from a trip to Arizona and brought back some adorable boxer stationery from a pet boutique. They come in a set of six notecards that closely resemble my sweet Lu. (Found a site that sells them here.)

1 comment:

  1. Those notepads are precious! They look just like you.
